Enigma Consulting is a company born from the desire to bring 17 years of experience in finance and accounting translate into added value to new and existing business partners. Finances were and are woven into DNA at the company.
Marin Horvatić, the director of the company, is a person who knows the answer I DON'T KNOW and IMPOSSIBLE, but he doesn't stop there answer. Maybe I don't know today, but tomorrow is a new day and I don't know, I won't, I can't is out of the question finally decision.
That is why Enigma Consulting is the company in which he transferred his knowledge and rich experience he gained through work in auditing, where he started his career. Through Ernst & Young, he gained a really broad picture of processes, functions and procedures without which companies are really groping in the dark.
The continuation of his career brought the experience of leading an international team according to the highest standards of the Otto Bock Group where, in addition to managing accounting and finance in Croatia, he also teams in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Furthermore, he continued his notable career advancement through his work as CFO of Sport Vision d.o.o. where he acquired a very valuable experience in cooperation with the largest financial institutions in Croatia.
Investing in further education is a fundamental postulate, so the Executive MBA was added to the portfolio of knowledge and experiences that he carries with him. By founding Enigma Consulting, he followed a natural path in development and to the growth of the individual, where through the services listed below, it provides the subjects with added value and take-off professional development and growth of existing ones and future partners.