When is the right time for an additional expense? The answer is, generally, never. But what if that additional expense also brings added value?
We all have expectations of everything. We do not go into something if we do not have expectations. Even if it was small, insignificant, expectations still exist.
But how do expectations affect the company's operations? I would say that they are a key element in making decisions, creating business policies, business plans and final realization.
However, in order to deal with this topic in a quality way, we have to define who all has these famous expectations. Stakeholders of a business venture. It sounds quite artificial and does not tell us anything, at first. But who are these stakeholders? The definition states that a stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either influence or be influenced by a business venture. In more detail, it is about the family of an entrepreneur who dared to enter into the venture. Then there are employees, their families, customers, suppliers, legislators, investors, potential customers, potential suppliers, social (local) community.
How to reconcile and meet the expectations of, apparently, so many different stakeholders in the market? Simply. Meet their expectations or build on and exceed them. And you will do this by structuring your business correctly and properly. You put a check mark on the business idea and that is it. You also started a company and started working. Another tick solved. However, in order to be up to the task, it is necessary to start meeting expectations. After all, you yourself have certain expectations. You expect your business to be sustainable, long-term and profitable. Believe it or not, all of these stakeholders expect the same from your business. Everyone in their own way, but this i san audience that cheers for you. Expectations may be high, but if you manage to meet and exceed expectations, you are well on your way to growing your business in the direction you want to go. Your employees will receive higher monthly incomes, customers will receive added value for their money, suppliers will grow together with you, the social and local community will have fewer unemployed people, more income for community development. And you and your family? You will meet expectations. Main reason why you entered into business in the first place. And it feels good, really good. You have created added value for the entire chain.
Without structure, by nature, you will bring short-term fulfillment of expectations, however, for a long-term sustainable story, it is necessary to fulfill the expectations of all stakeholders, and this is achieved by balancing, introducing order into business processes, creating and monitoring control mechanisms, sources of financing. That is why you have us, as someone who will take care of expectations.